Senior couple, 70s, on the golf course.

Senior couple, 70s, on the golf course.

Professional golf instructors estimate that 80-100% of golfers’ swing problems begin from faulty posture.  Therefore, having a Chiropractor evaluate your posture should be the first and most important step toward building an optimal golf swing. Most postural faults are caused by muscle and connective tissue imbalances that pull a golfer’s body out of alignment, or a misalignment in spinal bones. The result of an unbalanced or asymmetrical standing posture will always be unbalanced and decreased performance. If the golf instructors are correct, a poor posture, when addressing the ball, will result in a poor and/or inconsistent golf swing.  Moreover, sooner or later, golfing with a poor posture and swing motion will cause injuries.  Research states that 80% of the population has lower back pain.

An onlooker may assume that the never-ending quest to put the little white ball into the cup calls upon little of the athleticism required by other warm-weather sports such as tennis or cycling.  Not true.  Many avid golfers contort their bodies into oddly twisted postures, generating a great deal of torque-the twisting force that opens a bottle cap-on the back. Couple this motion with a bent-over stance, repeat 90 to 120 times over three or four hours, add the fatigue that comes with several miles of walking, and you’ve got a good workout-and a recipe for potential lower back trouble.

As America’s love affair with the game continues to grow and are playing in a big tournament, chiropractors advocate taking a proactive approach that will prepare your body for many years of pain-free play. “Most golfers go until they are in pain, then look for immediate relief.  “Cagen Family Chiropractic advocates a different approach-by helping patients look at what they can do right now to reduce the likelihood of future injury.”  We want people to be able to play without pain and have the greatest potential for a lifetime.

If you take this approach, you’re in good company.  As a chiropractor I have found the direct connection between the spine and performance.  Nerves control every muscle in your spine.  A pinched nerve will decrease performance.  Stan Sheppard states, “The difference between winning and losing could be just one stroke.”  Many professional golfers such as Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, and Tom Watson rely on chiropractors to increase their performance.  To find out if chiropractic could increase your performance in golf please call our office to schedule an appointment at (828) 885-7100


Little boy blowing his nose lying sick in bed

The winter weather is here bringing with it the all too familiar sniffles, sneezes, coughs and fevers. To those uneducated about the wisdom of the body and its innate healing powers, the first thing to be reached for when cold or flu symptoms arrive is an antibiotic or over-the-counter medicine. Unfortunately what this does is take the healing process out of the hands of Mother Nature and puts it in the hands of man.

While the symptoms disappear, who really benefits? Mom and Dad who are relieved because their child is no longer uncomfortable, or the child whose healing powers are diminished due to the drugs effects on the body?

Our Creator, in His infinite wisdom, built us with many protective devices designed to work in specific situations and whose sole job is to work towards restoring us to health. Let’s take for example the runny nose and sneezing associated with the common cold. To stop a runny nose with a nasal spray is to deny the body the ability to rid itself of toxins through the nasal passages. When this happens and the mucus is not allowed to drain, these toxins remain inside of the body. Question – Where would you rather have them?

Another common reaction is to break a fever. While a fever may be uncomfortable, it is rarely dangerous – in fact a fever is the body’s way of allowing an infection to be destroyed – through heat. Think about it, what is the first thing you do to a needle when you are about to remove a splinter – you heat the tip of it to kill any bacteria, which may be present on it. A fever is the body’s way of slowing down bacteria (the bad guys) so that the white blood cells (the good guys) can catch up to the infection and fight it.

Over-the-counter drugs have a wide margin of safety as well as a wide margin of efficiency. Over-the-counter drugs do not cure illnesses; they simply alleviate mild to moderate symptoms.

Today, many cough and cold advertisements target mothers. Robitussin, for one, uses ads that depict the mother as “Dr. Mom”. Many parents believe over-the-counter medications help their children sleep better but as written by Dr. Anne Gadanski in an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “many of these medicines contain sedating ingredients such as antihistamines or alcohol that promote drowsiness and sleep and have little impact on the child’s cold symptoms.” Physicians agree, a cough is good – it brings the mucus up. The cough is merely a physiological sign and we do not need to suppress it.

With all health care professionals in agreement, it seems that the body has the best drug store around – and it’s built right in. One thing to keep in mind when your child has a cold or fever is how beneficial a chiropractic adjustment could be. Chiropractors address a serious problem called subluxation (a slight misalignment of a spinal bone which places pressure on the spinal nerves) which reduces the ability of their little bodies to fight off infection. At this crucial time, the body needs to be functioning at its best to restore normal function to the glands, organs and tissues of the body allowing free nerve/life flow. This can be accomplished by a visit to our office.

So the next time a winter cold shows up what will you reach for? Why not reach for the phone and let us know you are coming in to get your families spines adjusted. (828) 885-7100


Eat disease

Every thought, every word, every action, every bite is either moving you towards health or towards sickness. It’s a life altering day when you fully get it, deep down in your core, that you create your own sickness with the foods you eat and that you also can overcome sickness, fatigue and obesity to create your own health with the foods that you eat. This truth is so ridiculously simple and yet so many do not seem to have this understanding. Sick foods lead to sick bodies, sick attitudes, sick children, and the unnecessary use of medications, which if taken by a healthy person would make them sick. But….you can turn it around – it is never to late.

Adopting a healthy eating system is a great first step. Eat natural “one-word” foods. One-word foods have the ability to tell you exactly what you are eating and, whether they are natural and good for you – or not. Once you understand the concept – making the right choices will become easy. Here is how simple it is. If it is natural – eat it. If it is not natural – don’t eat it. Performing this one simple act perfectly, for a long enough period of time will change your health, waistline and life.

Dr. Steve’s Guide to Natural Eating States – Natural foods can be described by one word;  Apple vs. Hot Dog. Apple describes a natural food item which has not been processed – it is real and comes from nature; nothing added, nothing taken away. Hot Dog – hmmm. Stop and think about it for a second. There is no Hot Dog tree in nature and no Hot Dog animal,  so…. it does not fit the parameters of natural food so it must be artificial/processed. Do not eat it.

Steak, chicken, pork…. on the other hand are natural (just don’t buy the crappy stuff). No boxed stuff, no canned stuff, no white stuff (except proteins), no dairy, no sugar.

Check this out – If it walks on the ground, flies in the sky, swims in the sea or grew from a seed, those are the healthiest foods that are right for me. Believe it or not, it is fun being fit and healthy. So beginning today why not eat your way to good health. I did.





Experience Complete Brain/Body Wellness

 Next Level Wellness is an innovative combination of personalized brain training technology combined with spinal retraining and lifestyle coaching that will change the way you feel, function, and perform.

Brevard Brain Training

Brain Training is a drug-free, non-invasive method of helping the brain run smoother and more efficiently by reshape brainwave activity to a more normal pattern. This is where it starts!

Cagen Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic care helps restore the spine to proper alignment thus allowing the brains messages to flow freely to all parts of the body. Chiropractic not only helps with pain but more importantly it allows for improved communication from your brain to your body; its organs, glands, tissues and cells. Better communication means better health!

Innovative Wellness Coaching

Wellness coaching ties it all together. Learn Goal Setting, Create Personalized Affirmations, and Visualization Charts, Discover Positive Techniques You Can Use Daily to Improve Your Life and Your Waistline. Using our Next Level Journal, you will create a personalized success plan which will take you from where you are, to where you want to be!

Can You Find Health Without Drugs? Now You Can!

With neurofeedback, clients learn how to quiet brainwaves associated with low performance and increase brainwaves associated with optimal brain function. Much like physical exercises, this strengthens and develops specific muscles. The more your brain is exercised into reaching a new more comfortable, more efficient position, the better and stronger it becomes. Like any new skill, it simply requires feedback and practice.

Anxiety Depression Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Pain Issues Addiction OCD / Tics
Insomnia Migraines PTSD
Fibromyalgia Tension Headaches Headaches
Hyperactivity Memory Loss Autism Spectrum
Concentration Post-Stroke Recovery Traumatic Brain Injury
Focus Issues Anxiety Disorders Attention Deficit Disorders
Anger Issues Panic Attacks Seizures


Chiropractic care goes hand in hand with neurofeedback and offers clients a way to take their healing one step further.

Just as neurofeedback helps regulate and synchronize brainwaves to help the brain function easier and more efficiently, chiropractic helps remove interferences in the nerve system allowing the brain to have unobstructed communications with all the body systems; that includes the heart, lungs, and every other organ, gland and cell in the body. The brain controls all function in the body and chiropractic helps make it easier for the brain to do this.

Coaching Ties It All Together!

The path to wellness is relatively simple: First, identify which systems in the body are not functioning correctly. Second, remove the causes of imbalance. Third, nourish each system with what it needs to function optimally. Then, the body’s natural intelligence and healing ability take over and automatically repair the remaining problems.

We’re all on the path of discovering what it is we really and truly want. Coaching helps you identify who you are, what you really want and how to attain it.

Can We Help You?

The best way to see if Next Level Training can help improve your life is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Steve Cagen. During this time, you will discuss where you are at – versus where you want to be. If agreed, we will move into the process of performing a brain map and spinal exam to see where there is room for improvement and how Next Level Training can help you create and achieve your personalized wellness/life plan. Together, we can take your life and your health to the Next Level!

Call (828) 885-7100 to schedule a no obligation consultation.




 The Complete Brain-Body Experience

An Innovative combination of personalized brain training technology combined with spinal retraining and lifestyle coaching Next Level Wellness will change the way you feel, function, and perform.

Brevard Brain Training

Brain Training is a drug-free, non-invasive method of helping the brain run smoother and more efficiently by reshape brainwave activity to a more normal pattern. This is where it starts!

Cagen Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic care helps restore the spine to proper alignment thus allowing the brains messages to flow freely to all parts of the body. Chiropractic not only helps with pain but more importantly it allows for improved communications from the brain to the body and back again.

Innovative Wellness Coaching

Wellness coaching ties it all together. Learn Goal Setting, Create Personalized Affirmations, and Visualization Charts, Discover Positive Techniques You Can Use Daily to Improve Your Life and Your Waistline. Using our Next Level Goal Journal, you will create a personalized success plan which will take you from where you are, to where you want to be.

Can You Find Health Without Drugs? Now You Can!Happy Brain Logo

With Neurofeedback, clients learn how to quiet brainwaves associated with low performance and increase brainwaves associated with optimal brain function. Much like physical exercises, this strengthens and develops specific muscles. The more your brain is exercised into reaching a new more comfortable, more efficient position, the better and stronger it becomes. Like any new skill, it simply requires feedback and practice. Neurofeedback helps with symptoms of brainwave dysregulation. These are many and include:

Anxiety Depression Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Pain Issues Addiction OCD / Tics
Insomnia Migraines PTSD
Fibromyalgia Tension Headaches Headaches
Hyperactivity Memory Loss Autism Spectrum
Concentration Post-Stroke Recovery Traumatic Brain Injury
Focus Issues Anxiety Disorders Attention Deficit Disorders
Anger Issues Panic Attacks Seizures

Chiropractic care goes hand in hand with Neurofeedback and offers clients a way to take their healing one step further.

Just as Neurofeedback helps regulate and synchronize brainwaves to help the brain function easier and more efficiently, chiropractic helps remove interferences in the nerve system allowing the brain to have unobstructed communications with all the body systems; that includes the heart, lungs, and every other organ, gland and cell in the body. The brain controls all function in the body – chiropractic helps make it easier for the brain to do this.

Coaching Ties It All Together!

The path to wellness is relatively simple: First, identify which systems in the body are not functioning correctly. Second, remove the causes of imbalance. Third, nourish each system with what it needs to function optimally. Then, the body’s natural intelligence and healing ability take over and automatically repairs the remaining problems.

We’re all on the path of discovering what it is we really and truly want. Coaching helps you identify who you are, what you really want and how to attain it.

Can We Help You?

The best way to see if Next Level Training can help improve your life is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Steve Cagen. During this time, you will discuss where you are at – versus where you want to be. If agreed, we will move into the process of performing a brain map and spinal exam to see where there is room for improvement and how Next Level can help you create and achieve your personalized wellness/life plan.

For your complimentary consultation and introduction to Next Level Wellness, call (828) 885-7100 to schedule your appointment.


lifestyle-family-fitness_thumb.jpgJust as neurofeedback helps regulate and synchronize brainwaves to help the brain function easier and more efficiently, chiropractic helps remove interferences in the nerve system allowing the brain to have unobstructed communications with all the body systems; that includes the heart, lungs, and every other organ, gland and cell in the body. The brain controls all function in the body – chiropractic helps make it easier for the brain to do this.

Chiropractic is the science, art, and philosophy of all things natural. Philosophy is what sets chiropractic apart from every other healing art. It is based on the belief that at birth, a spark of universal intelligence was placed inside of you. Innate intelligence is the conductor of the body and from the moment of birth it controls and coordinates all function.

Doctors of chiropractic understand the miracles of the universe and understand human anatomy and physiology. With this understanding, we are able to remove interferences in the body’s nerve system which could be creating a premature breakdown in health.

The brain is the most important part of the human body. It is where innate resides and it is responsible for keeping your body functioning. How well it is able to do this up to each individual. The brain keeps everything working by sending messages up and down the spinal cord and then out to the spinal nerves. This super bundle of nerves runs down through the spinal bones (vertebrae) and bundles exit from between the vertebra at their prescribed location. From there, they branch of to the organs, glands, and tissues in their particular territory.

If a spinal bone should move out of proper alignment (subluxate) it may place damaging pressure on the nerves exiting that region. Once this happens the bones begin to degenerate and the hole the nerve bundle exits though will narrow (stenosis). When pressure is placed on the nerve, even for a short period of time the affected regions will begin to suffer a state of dis-ease. If left uncorrected for a long period of time, poor health with result.

Doctors of chiropractic in this office have been trained to locate, analyze, and correct vertebral subluxation. The benefit is increased health and longevity.

Why Does Chiropractic Work?

Chiropractic works because you are a self-healing, self-regulating organism controlled by your nervous system. Millions of instructions flow from your brain, down the spinal cord, and out to every organ and tissue. Signals sent back to the brain confirm if your body is working right. Improper motion or position of the moving bones of the spine called a “subluxation” can interfere with this vital exchange by irritating nerves and compromising the function of affected organs and tissues. Specific spinal adjustments can help improve mind/body communications. Health often returns with improved nervous system control of the body.

Our Primary Focus:

There¹s more to chiropractic than the relief of headaches and back pain! Our primary focus is the integrity of your nervous system, which controls and regulates every cell and tissue of your body. The moving bones of the spinal column can impair this vital communication link between your brain and your body. We help improve the function and structure of your spine, reducing nervous system compromise. The result? Even non-spinal related health problems can show improvement. Without drugs or surgery. Regardless of age. For over a century. Naturally.


th8WWSV96KNext Level Wellness is a holistic wellness center which focuses on family healthcare and positive lifestyle training designed to help our clients create and achieve the lives and health they have always wanted. Using our unique method of brain/body resynchronization and personal wellness coaching we are changing the way wellness works and helping our clients achieve increased health, increased passion and vitality and an increased joy of living.

We are doctors and educators:

A new way to achieving maximum wellness, the Cagen Method is an integrated system of drug-free techniques and lifestyle training programs designed to help our clients and their families become a better expression of themselves. Using modern science, universal principles, and hands on bodywork we help our clients overcome past traumas and events which are holding them back from enjoying a life of good health and joyous living.

Next Level Wellness focuses on the brain/body experience and guides our clients towards achieving increased function instead of symptomatic relief. While our goal in the beginning is to get our clients out of immediate crisis the ultimate goal is to educate, guide and train them on their journey towards optimal health and peak performance.

Good health is not one thing; it is the combination of many things working together harmoniously to create an well-balanced inside and outside. Today’s modern medicine still treats the human body as individual parts never realizing the delicate balance each individual part plays on the whole or how a well-balanced brain/body can propel their health to the next level.

For over twenty years Doctors Steve and Nancy Cagen have been helping young and old alike achieve their dreams of having good health, a trim fit body and a healthy, wellness lifestyle. Our Twelve Weeks to a New You program known as the Cagen Method has helped thousands of patients and clients achieve a state of good health they never thought possible and we can help you also.

For more information of Next Level Wellness please visit

Drawing on our experiences as natural wellness doctors, motivational speakers and weight loss experts we have become leading authorities and sought-after speakers in the wellness, weight-loss and motivational/goal setting industries. Our systematic, step-by-step approach to creating a new you introduces our clients to the world of wellness and natural weight-loss in a way which is easy to follow and creates permeant and lasting change – because we change you, the whole you.

If you are ready to take your health to the next level, we invite you to call our office to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of the doctors and to tour our facility. (828) 885-7100


1More often than not, when we tell someone that we are chiropractors, they immediately associate our vocation with neck and/or back pain. They usually say, “I used to go to a chiropractor when I threw my back out,” but, what they do not realize is that chiropractic is a health care modality that provides significantly more than just a solution for pain.

Chiropractic is a lifestyle that involves all aspect of wellness including exercise, nutrition, personal development, stress relief, etc. We have been fortunate to work with people from all walks of life (including newborns, children, and adolescents) and the outcome has been miraculous. Children, who were diagnosed with colic or about to have tubes placed in their ears, were able to find a solution that actually lasted for a lifetime by means of the chiropractic adjustment.

We define chiropractic as the discovery and removal of the vertebral subluxation, which is interference that is taking place in your central nervous system (CNS). It is important to recognize that our CNS is the master controller of our entire body and it directly correlates to our ability to function and exist. People who are suffering from allergies, asthma, headaches, etc. are living in a subluxated state, but when we provide these individuals with an adjustment, we are able to remove the interference, and the condition dissipates. In addition, patients who are under regular chiropractic care (1-2x each month) actually prevent these situations from impeding upon their lives.

Maybe you are wondering where a “subluxation” comes from, and if this is the case, it is the direct result of everything that we do. Lifestyle stresses, both perceived as positive and negative, result in nerve interference, which needs to be addressed. For example, during the holiday season, many people tend to consume a substantial amount of food and alcohol and also spend more time with family (which some would consider stressful). What we have seen, is that after the holiday season, people typically get SICK, which happens to be caused by a subluxation. The food, alcohol, and family represent lifestyle stresses, even if they are labeled as positive, because our body is extremely sensitive to external factors. This is why chiropractic care needs to be an essential component of your life and something that we encourage your entire family to consider.

When visiting our practice, we take the chiropractic lifestyle to a level where it becomes REAL for you. Not only do we offer the adjustment, but we combine these programs with tips on fitness, nutrition, and stress relief. We take into account your entire body and the lifestyle choices that you make when developing customized protocols for you to follow once you become a patient in our office. With this being said, please contact our office today that we can schedule a health consultation with you!

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

If you would like to learn more about chiropractic and the services offered at Cagen Wellness, call our office to schedule a consultation with the doctor. (828) 885-7100


010.jpgA Patient Speaks

While sitting on my porch one day, thinking of my present problem, I noticed a plant that looked dead. Its leaves were turning brown, the stalk and branches were withered and very dry. Life was nearly at an end for this plant.

As I studied it, the cause of the plants difficulty was evident. A large rock was lying across the stalk of the plant. I removed it for closed observation. The spot where the rock had been was in bad condition and had started to turn black.

I watered the plant and gave it a little fertilizer. I was proud that this plant would be saved from apparent premature death because a simple thing like a rock that lay across its main life supply had been removed.

Patience Pays

Finally one day, as if by magic, the stalk took on a new look. It seemed to be filled with fresh, new energy and the leaf stems had lost their dead look. The plant again seemed to express feelings. Gone were the wrinkles from the leaves, which now began to show signs of new life. Some of the bad withered leaves disappeared and to add grace to this mastery of art, the terrible brown spot where the rock had lain for so long was repairing itself, and new plant tissue was replacing old. The plant would live.

The Principles

Principles were involved. Life had to flow through the stalk to all parts of the plant to maintain its natural beauty and life that the rock had once removed, nature was again in control of the plant and nature alone knew what to do. And so it is with chiropractic. Nature’s processes of repair seen slow at times, but they are evermore sure.

Like a flash I remembered I had been to a chiropractor years ago who told me that life energy flowed out of the brain stalk and spinal nerves to all parts of the body and made us live normal healthy lives. He said there were vertebrae pinching on delicate nerves that were causing my trouble and that all I needed to be well and happy again was to have my spine adjusted to the normal position. The life energy is my body would then do all that was necessary to make me well again, if allowed sufficient time.


It was ten years ago that I had the opportunity to correct this trouble and learn how the body was controlled through the nervous system. I failed to do myself the favor and give the chiropractor time to do his work. I could have saved ten years of suffering if I had persevered just a little longer.

I look forward again now and give thanks. I have discovered the simple truth for myself that for every effect, there is a cause. I can plainly see that the cause of sickness is pressure on the nervous system that retards the normal function in the body and if it is not corrected, disease will be the result.

Remember- Healing Takes Time


What Is Happy Brain Therapy? 

Dr. Steve Cagen, clinical director and co-founder of Brevard Brain Training located in Brevard, NC explains Happy Brain Therapy as a form of EEG Biofeedback. It is a drugless approach to treating Neurological Dysregulation Syndrome (NDS) that may be associated with the symptoms of many brain based conditions such as ADHD, OCD, PTSD, Insomnia, Anxiety, Tourette’s, Pain and even Autism.

By using a computerized EEG (Electroencephalogram), electrical impulses known as brainwaves can be tracked and analyzed while the patient performs several different tasks such as reading or watching TV.  Ideally, the brain should switch between different brainwaves frequencies/ speeds.  If the brain cannot produce the needed brainwave it will use an alternate, less efficient wave to get the job done.  It is like taking the Neuro 1long country road to get to the store instead of the highway.  Effective, but not efficient. Over time this inefficient wave becomes dominant causing changes in outward behavior.

ADD/ADHD: When you perform a task, like making breakfast, you should produce fast brainwaves (Beta waves) to keep you focused and allow for quick communication within the brain.  ADHD sufferers struggle to produce Beta waves.  Drugs like Ritalin elevate the fast brainwaves for a short period of time reducing symptoms, however, these drugs are derived from Cocaine and can have serious adverse health effects.  The Happy Brain Therapy training program teaches patients how to elevate the Beta waves on their own, without harmful drugs.  Simply put, it is exercise for the brain.

How Does It Work?  

During a typical training session, sensors are placed on the scalp and brainwave activity is monitored by aNeuro 2 computer as the patient relaxes and watches a DVD.  If the correct brainwaves are produced the movie will play; if the mind wanders, the computer detects the change and the movie will pause. This protocol is repeated with video games, jigsaw puzzles and tactile stimulation.  As the brain learns it becomes “re-wired”. This is called neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt and open new neural pathways allowing for more efficient lines of communication to be created. Once the changes take place, the effects are permanent.  And best of all, there are no drugs and no side effects.

For More Information on Happy Brain Therapy visit:  or call (828) 885-7100
