Introduction to Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback is a technique in which we train the brain to help improve its ability to regulate all bodily functions and to take care of itself. When the brain is not functioning well, evidence of this often shows up in the EEG (Electroencephalogram). By challenging the brain, much as you challenge your body in physical exercise, we can help your brain learn to function better.
A better functioning brain can improve sleep patterns. When you sleep more efficiently, you are more alert during the day. It can help with anxiety and depression, and with syndromes like migraine or chronic pain. Secondly, it can be helpful in managing attention – how well you can persist even at a boring task. Thirdly, it can help you manage the emotions. Emotions may feel like the real you, but your brain has a lot to say about how you feel and react. If the emotions are out of control, that’s trainable. If they aren’t there—as in lack of empathy, for example—that, too, is trainable.
Finally, there are some specific issues where the EEG neurofeedback training can be helpful, such as in cases of seizures, traumatic brain injury, stroke, and autism. In these instances the training does not so much get rid of the problem as it simply organizes the brain to function better in the context of whatever injury or loss exists.
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5 sessions plus initial intake for only $345 (reg. $600)
At the Neurofeedback Center we are dedicated to helping individuals attain their maximum potential through enhanced brain fitness. Neurofeedback can help reduce or eliminate a broad range of symptoms including: anxiety, stress reactions, depression, sleep problems, headaches and migraines, chronic pain, compulsive behavior, mood swings, stroke, traumatic brain injury, seizures, autism, attention deficits and many other dysfunctional states that affect physical and emotional well-being.
Dr. Steve Cagen discovered Neurofeedback in 2009 while searching for new ways to help his daughter recover from a severe traumatic brain injury and founded the Neurofeedback Center in 2011 after fully embracing its potential as an effective, drugless therapy for brain regulation.
What Can Neurofeedback Help?
Neurofeedback is training in self-regulation. Good self-regulation is necessary for optimal brain function. Self-regulation training enhances the function of the central nervous system and thereby improves mental performance, emotional control and physiological stability.
With neurofeedback we target bioelectrical functioning of the brain which is actually a more important issue that the “chemical imbalance” that is often talked about. We are concerned with the brain’s internal regulatory networks. When we train the brain towards better function, the need for medication often diminished or falls away. Neurofeedback is somewhat like putting the brain on a stair stepper to exercise certain regulatory functions continuously. This is helpful with a wide variety of functional deficits.
Does Neurofeedback Cure Symptoms or Conditions?
In the case of organic brain disorders, it is a matter of getting the brain to function better rather than curing the condition. When it comes to problems of disregulation, there is not a disease to be cured, and self-regulation may very well be a complete remedy.
Who Can Benefit from Neurofeedback?
Individuals of any age can benefit from EEG training. Neurofeedback can help a variety of childhood problems including bedwetting, nightmares, attention deficits and other forms of disruptive and disturbing behaviors. Neurofeedback can assist adolescents who struggle with anxiety and depression or drug and alcohol abuse.
Neurofeedback can help anyone maintain good brain function as they age. Peak performers also use EEG training to enhance their abilities in sports, business and the arts.
If Neurofeedback Can Do So Much, Why Haven’t I Heard of it Before?
Neurofeedback is not yet taught in most medical schools or psychology graduate programs. Many professionals are therefore unaware of the power of this technique.

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