Couple giving two young children piggyback rides smiling

Begin your journey toward a healthier more balanced lifestyle today with your own personal Wellness Coach!

Do you want to have more energy, sleep better, manage stress effectively, or improve your outlook on life? Do you want to work and play at your personal best? Wellness Coaching may be your solution! Research has shown that one-on-one coaching is among the most effective approaches in helping people make and sustain improvements in their lives.

As certified life and wellness coaches we are committed to helping you improve your well-being, rediscover your authentic self, and increase your energy and enjoyment for life. We bring more than 35 years of experience guiding youth and adults toward change, as well as a personal commitment for wellness to each of our coaching relationships. Please note that much of our work is done over the telephone and internet so many of our clients are from different parts of the world.

Our focus as wellness coaches is helping people take good care of themselves while balancing their career and making the most of time with their families. Coaching is for you if you want or need structure, encouragement and accountability to move forward with lasting lifestyle change in any of these areas!

Wellness Coaching is also a valuable resource for your organization’s Employee Wellness Program. We provide individual and group coaching, as well as presentations on related topics for schools and businesses.

Contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION to learn more about coaching and how it will benefit you!

Areas of wellness coaching include stress management, improving nutrition and physical fitness, financial wellness, weight management and overall health. We work with people who are ready to embrace new life challenges, and benefit from support and strengthening their belief that they can do whatever they put their mind to!

See coaching programs and fees.